How Long Should You Wear Braces?

May 01, 2022

Teeth alignment is important for proper oral health and function. The most common side effect of misaligned teeth is difficulty chewing food because the jaw muscles have to work harder to chew, and there is less space in the mouth for food.

Furthermore, overcrowding can make it hard for you to clean the teeth properly, increasing the risk of decay. Correcting these malocclusions is crucial to your oral health and appearance.

However, a common concern with getting orthodontic treatment is the treatment length. The length of the orthodontic treatment in Caledon, ON, is not similar for everyone.

How Do Braces Move the Teeth in Position?

Braces slowly move your teeth through the pressure they put on them. The shape of your jaw will slowly change to conform to this new position. How do the teeth shift? We have a membrane underneath the jaws that surround the bones and roots and control the position of the teeth. When you wear braces, the wires are subjected to pressure, and they begin to move the teeth into position. The membrane will become loose due to the pressure, enabling the teeth to shift over some time.

What Factors Affect the Orthodontic Treatment Time?

Several factors can affect how long you will wear the braces, and they include:

  • Age

Yes, the age you start getting the orthodontic treatment can influence the length of the treatment. Wearing braces tend to produce faster results for children than adults. This is because their jaw is still growing, making it easy to manipulate. It can take longer for adults to see results because it takes longer and more pressure for mature teeth to shift position.

  • The complexity of the malocclusion

No two malocclusion cases are the same, meaning the time frame for the treatment will vary. Correcting mildly crooked teeth or spacing issues can take a few months. However, if you have a severe bite problem, it can take up to two years for the teeth to attain a new position.

  • Type of braces

Metal and ceramic braces are the best options for correcting severe malocclusion. They are more efficient in tooth movements than most orthodontic devices. The metal braces apply pressure on the teeth using the archwires to loosen the roots and thus are more likely to give a better result.

The ceramic braces are made of tooth-colored material and are less conspicuous. However, they cannot tolerate the same pressure as the metal ones.

Lingual braces can also be used if you are looking for invisible braces. These braces are fixed on the inside of the teeth, making them less visible. However, unlike the metal braces, these devices are ineffective in repositioning the teeth. This means that the treatment will take longer, and you will need to visit the dentist more often to assess the progress of the treatment.

What Happens After You Remove the Braces?

The bone and soft tissue of the teeth are loosened and need time to adapt to the new teeth’ position. A retainer helps the teeth stabilize and ensure that the relapse is minimal. It is advisable to wear the retainer for 12 to 22 hours daily to prevent the teeth from reverting.

What are Brace Aftercare Tips?

Teeth braces need to be taken care of properly after you’ve had them fitted. If you don’t take care of your braces, it can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental problems.

It is vital to brush your braced teeth at least twice a day with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to keep your mouth clean and avoid gum disease. Avoid eating sticky foods that can get stuck in the wires, causing plaques to accumulate. Ensure you follow the orthodontists’ instructions for the treatment to be successful.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Kennedy North Dentistry for more information about dental braces and how to care for them to ensure a successful treatment.


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